We offer two unique life insurance options: Ethos and individual plans. Both of these plans are quite different and have various levels of coverage. Note that we offer term, whole, and universal life insurance plans. Term life insurance covers you for a specific period of time, where whole life insurance and universal life insurance covers you for your whole life.

Ethos is an online life insurance platform that we partnered with in order to provide our members with a faster and easier way to get coverage. With Ethos you can get term or whole life insurance. Ethos plans offer different coverage amounts based on what you qualify for and have specific rates tailored to you. The best part about Ethos is that you can get a quote in minutes just by taking an online survey. (Ethos has age requirements that differ between plans and is only available for individuals aged 18-86).

Individual plans or custom plans are plans individually underwritten by one of our life insurance specialists. To get one of these plans you’ll need to book a meeting with our life insurance team, so yes, this plan takes the longest to actually get. But at the end, you will be able to get your perfect plan.


About Us

The San Diego Public Employee Benefit Association is a partnership of unions and associations designed to help reduce costs, improve benefits, and enhance support for San Diego’s public employees. We’re here to answer your questions and help make sure you get the most out of your benefits while also advocating for you directly to the provider to make sure you get the best experience possible.